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St. Patrick’s Day Party

There will be a St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Party at the yacht club on March 8 starting at 5 PM.

(We changed to date, so the YRA could use our clubhouse for their seminar.)

We will have the usual green decorations and the usual St. Patrick's Day food.

Come dressed for the occasion in green, if you have it!!

The price is $30 for adults and $15 for children 12 and under.

To reserve a place and pay online, you may use the following link: 

There will be a Race Committee training from 1:00P.M. to 3:00P.M. earlier on the same day, March 8. All interested parties are invited and are welcome! Cheers!

March 7

First Friday Happy Hour & Bar Training

March 12

Monthly: Bridge & Board Meeting