Treasure Island Yacht Club

39 Treasure Island Rd.(One Avenue of The Palms), #133, Treasure Island, San Francisco 94130 (415) 434-4475

Upcoming Events

  • July 27, 2024, 4:00 PM: Treasure Island Luau
  • August 3, 2024, 4:00 PM: Treasure Island YC Clam Bake
  • August 10, 2024, : Cruise-Out: Sausalito YC
  • August 11, 2024, 7:00 PM: Bridge & Board Meeting
  • August 18, 2024, 4:00 PM: Disaster Planning Meeting
  • August 31, 2024, : Chili Cook Off

Our New Clubhouse

Treasure Island Yacht Club has moved! We are now in Building 1 above Island Market. While we are still organizing and decorating the new space, plans are firming up for a grand public re-opening, probably in August. Until then we are hosting work parties for club members, and we are planning member, friends, and family events. The next events on the tentative agenda are a pot-luck on July 24th, and an informal get-together to watch Olympic sailing events on July 31st. Club members, keep an eye out for email flyers with details of these events.